Mr. Sniffles is the person a kat wants, very royal.
Omg mr sniffles is over there!
by mr sniffles cute November 3, 2020
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When you're out and a bunch of people are getting fucked up on cocaine and you get the sniffles just from being around them.
"Man, there must have been a bunch of people ripped on coke in there, I got the goddamn contact sniffles."
by Jman231 December 23, 2009
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The act of inserting the nostrials between the scrotum and the penus. A person in this position would then start sniffling rapidly, much like a blood hound would do to find scent.

Often used to detect scrotal anomalies, such as bad hygene and/or STI's.
"Keesha, you better stay far from freddy! I already done that DICK SNIFFLE shit down on him, and he got stronger cheese than Chester Cheeta, girlfriend!"
by Thable August 18, 2015
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When you put a pickle up your nostril to stop your nose from running.
"Hey, could you get a pickle? I need to sniffle dill."
by Furyfreeze2005 November 18, 2016
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The act of Sneezing and Sharting at the same time.
"worse day of my life..."
"why is that?"
"I have the sniffle shits and no clean underwear."
"Oh snap!"
by Odd_James May 13, 2014
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To accumulate a cold due to sniffing an old wet fanny,

Chelsea "I wish paddy would stop sneezing!"
Mathew "it's his own fault for sniffing an old otters pocket!"

Kid "mummy why is that mans nose red??"
Mum "don't look at him honey,he's a sniffle piffler"
by Piecemyster June 16, 2011
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A skill you may possess if using the suggest function on the website: dating-profile-generator .org .uk
What skills do you have? (e.g. leadership, carving)

Answer: surfing sniffles
by aceqwerty911 January 21, 2017
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