The excess air that is found in snack bags such as tortilla and potatoe chips; used to prevent crushing of the product.
The Doritoes company was grateful that its product was protected by the snackmosphere.
by Phillip February 7, 2004
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The air that escapes when you open a bag of chips, salted snacks or cookies.
The best snackmosphere comes from barbecue chips.
by traumatized July 29, 2009
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The air inside a bag of chips. Like, when you open the bag, and it's less than half full of chips, the empty space is called the snackmosphere.
I opened a package of popcorn today, but it was more snackmosphere than popcorn.
by avacadoheaven August 26, 2009
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The state of being in a room or area where there are a large number of snacks available, resulting in a feeling of happiness, contentment, and indulgence.
As soon as Michael walked into the party and saw the snackmosphere, he knew it was going to be a great night filled with delicious treats and good company."
by Microscopic Galaxy March 23, 2023
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