A girl that cheats on her boyfriend multiple times. Her vag is as wide as a sharks mouth. She usually cheats on her boyfriend for dudes in yellow pants. A slut, whore, cheater.
Brianna is such a Slam Pig, i should have dumped her.
by ForSteve October 23, 2009
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A man who wanders gyms nationwide and looks completely ridiculous. He has biceps that are just ridiculously disproportional to the rest of his body, which causes him to not be able to fully extend or lower his arms. A slam pig has little to no social skills, and communicates only through grunts and glares. Occasionally, the slam pig will wander out of the gym until he realizes that he is unacceptable in society, and must rely on the gym for shelter.
Mr. Man is always at the gym when I am there...he grunts at the gym folk and he look RIDICULOUS...he appears to be gentle but you never know...you never know with a slam pig...
by Deez Nuts22 April 15, 2008
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A man who wanders gyms nationwide and looks completely ridiculous. He has biceps that are just ridiculously disproportional to the rest of his body, which causes him to not be able to fully extend or lower his arms. A slam pig has little to no social skills, and communicates only through grunts and glares. Occasionally, the slam pig will wander out of the gym until he realizes that he is unacceptable in society, and must rely on the gym for shelter.
Mr. Man is always at the gym when I am there...he grunts at the gym folk and he looks RIDICULOUS...he appears to be gentle but you never know...you never know with a slam pig...
by Deez Nuts 722 April 15, 2008
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Anyone (Female OR Male) that partakes in any intercourse with grimy, disgusting and busted individuals continuously.
Did that guy just have sex with that walrus? What a slam pig!
by Hmarc July 9, 2014
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Any attractive girl that you would have sex with, that goes to your gym.
"Wow, she's such a fucking slam pig!"
by dont be gay June 28, 2005
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Some nice respectable woman whom you most likely wish you did not have sex with the previous night,
Dude, I just fucked that slam pig, lets meal it before she gets my name.
by Rbnuggs May 15, 2009
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A person who likes to slam other people because of their personal opinions.
Shaelyn is such a slam pig, she said hatsune miku suck
by I ran out of ideas April 15, 2018
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