by Zaluu July 1, 2010
by Kev dawg January 22, 2017
Ski patrol is when one guy sits in the middle of 2 other guys and jerks them off. Similar to skiing.
by 911insidetrabajo November 17, 2018
The Police. Law enforcement officials.
by nighttripper August 8, 2011
Name for a cocaine dealer. The name comes from the appearance of cocaine in its normal, white-powder form (just like snow).
cocaine head: Yo, I wanna get fucked up, lets call up the ski patrol and we'll split a gram and go skiing.
cocaine head's friend: Ok
cocaine head's friend: Ok
by Fully19 June 20, 2006
People who take care of injured skiers. Usually gay or like to have sex with little boys. 90% are Egotistical, Trustfund pretty boys. They are all afraid of snowmakers because the Snowmakers are superior to anything they do. Snowmakers also steal there glory and there woman. Usually there is one patroler that is more hated then any other usually named JOSH
by Snow God December 23, 2006
by Canadian Ski Patrol April 14, 2014