a distinct, premium grade of white trash. characteristics: yellow teeth, disgusting facial hair (men), frequently and badly dyed hair(women), wears camo and clothes several days in a row, and a horrible disrespect for the governent and all authority, goes critter bashing as a hobby
My sit next to a skeez in geometry who can't seem to stop talking about how many things they've stolen from Wal-Mart.
by elconyado November 21, 2011
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skank + skeez = tease
a combination of the two words, usually used to offend somebody, joke around with friends about, or just a politer way of saying skank, tease, etc.
jake: idk man, she totally led me on
michael: well she hooked up with me
mark: yeah she hooked up with me too
all: what a skeez
by SoundOfMadness February 19, 2009
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male orgazm, shoot cum. also to refrence a sluty girl.
"I skeezed all over that bitch", "She looks real skeezy", "She looks all skeezed up", "I cant wait to skeeze all over that skeezy girl"
by drunkn711 December 13, 2009
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1. Universal word. meaning everything from stress to skillz.

2. Skank, hoe bag
1: "fuck dude, I'm skeezin' over exams" (stress)
"Did you see that kickflip! its was skeez to the knees!"
2: "Jane fucked some random guy on main last night. for free!"
by Miklus April 3, 2006
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A group of young indivuduals who are better than anyone else and have a good sense of humor, They also are not men. Ballers extreamly good at all activitys. A very exclusive gang.
Look at that skeez, too bad i can't be a skeez. They look so cool and have sooo many friends.
by skeezyBALLER April 14, 2009
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To ejactulate. Similar to the word skeet, except more associated with masterbation, ie "skeezing onesself"
That girl was so hot that the second I saw her I ran into the bathroom and skeezed myself.
by Fetus Juggling December 16, 2005
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