any prep that goes to a skate park cuz they think that the people who skate are hot just cuz of MTV
by jew bot 5000.3 May 27, 2005
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A gaphead or harlot who hangs around at a skateboard park all damn day, either to be picked up by a skater or to watch their poser boyfriends make asses of themselves.
If you become a skate park ho, i will lose it.
by I got no pants April 21, 2003
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A skate park that was built in the "hood" part of ambler. Always crowded and filled with skateboarding junkies, almost all of whom are white. It is a very nice skate park with granite ledges, rails, ramps, and stair sets. It has also "revived" the area a bit and put a stop to some of the crime in the area.
"Yo you wanna go to ambler?"
"Nah, I heard its all crime and hoodlums."
"Not anymore dude,that Ambler Skate Park really has put a stop to some of it"
"Really? Ok sure, I'll go grab my board".
by AlecFilmz December 15, 2011
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Now this is a real indoor skatepark! A wide ass mini ramp with tight trannies, extensions, escalators, a flat bank and not one but TWO death bridges. It spines into a four foot square bowl. The long and skinny street area plays into the mini bowl set up smoothly, and the huge take-off roll in the corner will give you more than enough speed to hit up the place
There is a nicely stocked skate shop on the premises. Along with a pool table, Charm City Indoor Skatepark also boasts two of those old 720 skateboard arcade games- you know the ones with the dream layouts and the duck-footed punk with the mohawk. They also have one of those tricky little claw games, but instead of winning a crappy stuffed animal, you can nab a set of wheels!
(Skater:) Dude today im going to charm city skate park to skate the half pipe on my new Enjoi.

by EnjoiLife March 11, 2009
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The unfortunate circumstance where you have to take a dump in a dry toilet bowl. The

empty bowl represents a skate park, and is similar to the way kids skate in an empty swimming pool.
1st Dude: Dude, my water was off this morning. How 'bout yours?

2nd Dude: Yeah, trying to get ready for work was tough. I had to drop the kids off at the skate park, instead of the pool.
by Chas501 February 2, 2017
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