1). Shy Anus refers to any situation where the colon becomes stressed, embarrassed, and struggles to relieve itself.
“My new boyfriend and I moved in together and I had shy anus for a week!”
by Mr. Moxie June 27, 2019
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When you are unable to pee because there are people in the vicinity and you cannot begin urination until they are no longer around you.
Man I really had to piss but I was in a crowded bathroom and I have a shy bladder so I held it.
by madrascaldavid August 15, 2009
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A fear of storms.
When thunderstorms are really bad it must suck to be storm-shy.
by jpg3 June 3, 2015
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a. From an acronym for Chicago, i.e., "Shit-Headed Yahoo Town."

b. A term of derision for a lunatic city that deserves every whit for giving America an unrivaled gaggle of thieves, murderers, perverts, gangsters, hoodlums, thugs, corrupt politicians and assorted societal misfits that boggles the mind.

c. A town teeming with Shit-Headed Yahoos who continually vote for the dregs of themselves to run the government.

d. A term hated by actual SHY Chicagoans who try to redeem their reputation by insisting "SHY" really means "chi" (actually a Chinese word and Greek letter) and insist it is used only by non-Chicagoans (which is generally true).
Why da' Shy Town hood pimpz voted fo' da' B-Ho? Ya'll is mad stupid.
by I. "Who Sane" Myars September 6, 2010
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A dainty fart that does not make a loud noise, but an audible "whoosh." An in-between of a silent-but-violent and a trumpet. Sounds like Shia Labeouf, but instead, it's Shy Lepoof.
I don't know what Kylie was eating, but all day she was letting out Shy Lepoofs.
by TheBaghdaddy November 7, 2011
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A person who can't do a number two in a public restroom if they are not alone.
Scotty came out of the bathroom discouraged and distended because the endless stream of gents using the public toilets meant he couldn't do his business. Scotty is a shy pooper.

Shy poopers live in fear of bowel blockers.
by benthered October 20, 2013
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When it can't poop because other people are around.
Brad get outta here! You know I have a shy asshole!
by lockenload23 July 12, 2016
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