girl 1: omg ariana releasing a new album tonight

girl 2: i moved
by stxrrmochi March 2, 2021
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The action in which Tay Zonday partakes in during the Chocolate Rain video on Youtube. Often proceeded with a pair of asteriks, reasons for this are yet unknown.
**I move away from the mic to breathe in.

In chocolate rain, Tay Zonday **moves away from the mic to breathe in.

**I move away from the ____ to ____
by Sacrelicious September 7, 2007
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a way for someone to say im going to drown myself
“Want to see me move water?”
I can move water, you want to see?”
by chachamami January 24, 2022
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I like to move it move it!
I like to move it move it!
I like to move it move it!
You like to...
...move it!!!
by Shrek1304 July 26, 2023
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1. A phrase used by annoying people who interrupt other people in the middle of a game.

2. A phrase used to express approval and acknowledge that the person is just totally awesome.
1. Players: *Playing Chess*
Annoying Person: Hey, move here. Here!
Players: Leave us alone for a sec.
Player 1: *Moves his queen and wins*
Annoying Person: I LIKE THAT MOVE!

2. Wow dude, I like that move!
by Manudo November 2, 2007
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Phrase used by fucking chaderen yeager against whack marley. Commonly used against battling depression, severe ptsds and much more. #genocide

Chad: I'm depressed too, but I just keep moving forward.
by Lolalalalalalalallaalaljwbwbwb December 9, 2020
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