to take a shit while doing the twitter thang
while shwittering the other day i realized that i can am creating a timeline of my daily bowel movements so that weeks from now i can read what i wrote and say "gosh, i remember typing that in the burger king bathroom"
by toenail78 May 6, 2008
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Tweeting / twatting / twitterpating while on the toilet.
Dude, you've been tweeting a lot lately.
…yeah, I've had diarrhea so I've been shwittering.
by misterich September 8, 2013
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The act of purging and unfollowing undesirable friends on your Twitter account. See also: Facepoop
Dude, I need to Take a Shwitter, my feed is foul with morons.
by sir.kit December 3, 2015
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