To just hang out and bull shit about random stuff.
Paul:Hey man you wanna go to the mall
Mike:Nah man, let's just go skate and shoot the shit.
by Jew March 29, 2004
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To chat, to discuss. Usually pointless and often esoteric subject matter. Meaningless banter.

"What were we doing? Aw, y'know, just shooting the shit over some lunch."
by Jeremy Riley October 30, 2003
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Gossip; conversing with a group of friends or individuals
I'm just meeting up to go shoot the shit with some friends from class.
by Tay tay is bae February 1, 2017
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Discussions centered around useless shit, especially when the agenda is to do nothing, or keep yourself from doing something you should be doing.

shortened: "Shoot it."
"What are you guys up to?" "Shooting the shit."

"Hey are you interested in a little shit shooting?"

"Let's shoot it."
by Dylan Sauer April 7, 2005
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talking without any specific purpose; passing the time with causal conversation
We were just shooting the shit out on the front porch while waiting for Justin to show up.
by Ignotus October 31, 2003
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Akin to 'shooting the breeze'. Passing time doing nothing in particular.
I'm just sitting here, you know, shooting the shit.
by Stuart October 31, 2003
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