when you try to fart, but some shit comes out. a shart
by Dominic Lui May 13, 2008
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The accidental discharge of fecal matter, usually of the liquefied kind, when attempting to merely pass gas. If the underwear becomes overly saturated, a stain may appear on the outer garment. This unfortunately results in embarassment and ridicule, if around other people.
What was the name of that guy wearing white pants that sharted in Carl's Jr. then had to take the bus home?
by naknumm May 15, 2007
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When one farts and a little shit comes out.
We gota go, dude.
It's an emergency!
I sharted, dude.
What's that?
I farted and a little shit came out!

-Along Came Polly
by The Person January 28, 2004
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A combination of a shit and a fart that results in having to change your underwear.
by -dH- August 30, 2005
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when you try to fart and a lil shit comes out.

pronounciation: she-art. but really fast, loud, and southernly retarded.
by the shyyts. March 22, 2009
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\shärt\ n 1 : a fart, or any form of flatulence, in which fecal matter, in any state is released 2 : the physical remnants of a shart
\shärt\ v : the act of sharting - sharted - sharting
1: "What was that?" "A shart." 2: "It smells like shart in here." 3: "I've got to shart!" 4: "I just sharted!" 5: "Yes, that's me, I am sharting."
by Mr. Magou December 18, 2005
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