Alot of people confuse self harm with attention seeking or the populer mainstream fad wich is "emo". This is not the truth, alot of self harmers despise emo's due to the fact that their bullshit immitation self harming has completely biased people towards the subject( bear in mind I am talking about emo in a general sense, Im not denying that an emo can have real problems, Im simply pointing out that the vast majority dont). Emo's go around drawing attention to their pathetic attempts and claiming that they are truly missunderstood. Not only does anyone who genuinly self harms for relevant reasons get labelled attention seeking but they'r also labelled as emo's, wich greatly pisses off anyone who has any concept of what it really feals like to truly want to self mutilate due to any particular genuine reason. Self harm is not about getting attention or making a statement, self harm is about release, mainly of stress. This can actually be explained scientifically, the adrenalin triggered by shedding blood somehow eliminates the brain signals and hormones produced by stress, stress that could be caused by any number of things, every one of them real. Often when somebody is hurt emotionally, the survival technique of numbing out the feelings is employed, this ultimately stops the person from feeling hurt but also prevents them from feeling other emotions, much like shock. The mind is not used to this, and often people cut to prove to themselves that they can still feel emotion. Also in some cases it is impossible for a person to cry without cutting, as anybody knows crying is essential for the release of some emotions, not continual crying, but often if a person does not cry for long periods of time they will need some other release.Somebody who is unable to cry without cutting, they often cannot cry because they associate crying with showing weakness, time has tought that when you show people your weaknesses they often target and manipulate those weaknesses, therefore a person may only be able to cry in response to real physical pain, thus releaving their REAL emotional pain. Cutting can happen for a vast amount of reasons, the prejudice associated with it is not fair and only goes on to make matters worse, it is essential that people understand what they are looking at before they decide to judge.
The classic example of a real cutter is somebody who has been brought up without being tought how to release their emotions correctly, somebody who is victimised, and classically somebody who has no friends or family to talk to about their various problems or worries. However any one person can be a genuine self harmer, it only takes a few unfortunate circumstances, you'd be suprised at how messed up humans really are.
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Self harm refers to the willful act of harming oneself. Many people simply group its many forms under "cutting," but this is technically incorrect. Self harming is usually triggered by an underlying behavioural or emotional disorder, such as depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or bipolar disorder, or total lack of feeling. The main reason why people self harm is because it simulates an attack, and produces endorphins, among other hormones, which provide comfort to the self harmer. However, there are many dangers in self harming:
-If the self harmer cuts a little too deep, they might not be able to stop the bleeding.
-Hepatitis B, and other blood-bourne diseases.
-Scars are unattractive. At best.
Additionally, it's highly addictive and hard to break. It's equivalent to ending an eating disorder. The psychological addiction level is very high, as one might suspect, but there is a physical aspect of the addiction: The hormones released after an act of self harm are tangible things which can be very difficult to be separated from. While someone is quitting self harming, there may be disturbing outward manifestations of the desire to harm, such as sadism. These symptoms will pass with time.
In short, self harm disorder is not something to be trifled with. Its association with a certain style of clothing and music is unfortunate, and self harming to try and conform with this twisted stereotype. The will to fit in will fade quickly, but the scars are immortal.
Self harm brings nothing but pain and misery.

Can you reach for the stars, with the scars on your wrists weighing you down like leaden shackles on damned souls?
by Phobic Delusions July 25, 2010
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The act of intentionally harming one's self without the intent to die. The most common forms are cutting, burning, scratching, excessive skin picking, and pulling out hair. Some less common forms are head-banging, bone breaking, self poisoning through ingesting toxic things, and even amputation. Some people also consider smoking, disordered eating, and excessive alcohol consumption to be forms of self harm.
For the most part, self-harm is not an attention-seeking behavior. Most often it is a coping mechanism which serves to get relief from overwhelming emotions. It may also be a way to punish one's self. Self harm releases endorphins, chemicals whose function is to decrease pain, which makes an individual feel better, possibly even euphoric.
When I'm angry or depressed, I feel like the only thing I can do is self harm. It's the only way I know how to make myself feel better.
by SomethingWiccaThisWayComes November 8, 2014
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Someone who self-harms do this because they are often sad, they feel that feeling pysical pain will drown thier emotional pain. Not accociated with goths or punks or emo, it can happen to anyone. Although, some people do it for attention. Shoot those people.
She cuts herself because her boyfriend dumped her, so she uses self-harm to cause pysical pain, to drown out her emotional pain.
by Miss. Unique March 3, 2006
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Self harm is self explanatory. It is inflicting physical pain on your body through cutting, burning, hitting, and many other things. Self harm can also be considered abusing drugs harmful to your body. Usually it takes alot of mental and emotional pain. As a victim of self harm i had cut and burned. If you have ever cut or self harmed then you know what this is and why you did it. It offers you a release to your mental and emotional pain by distracting it with physical pain. It becomes an addiction and its hard to stop. At first it hurts. But then the more you do it, it becomes numb. It will only get worse and worse. If you are self harming, thinking of self harming, or used to self harm, know this, you are not helping yourself. Your hurting yourself even worse. I have scars on my arms that will not fade away. I was addicted and couldnt stop. You will regret it. You will be insecure about it. You are beautiful. Whether you are a male or female you are beautiful. You dont need to do this to yourself. Because it feels good at the moment, but crushes you at the next. Stay strong. Dont hurt yourself please
Why do you self harm your body
by musicbaby July 3, 2014
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self harm is the act of harming the self.
This can include cuttiing, burning alcohol, drug or solvent abuse, self brusing and hair pulling triciollomania mongst other things. It is a coping method not a failed suicide attempt or a sign of being "emo"
Im worried about Janet, I think shes started to self-harm, she hasnt taken her hoodie off all summer.
by Howlie February 20, 2008
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Self-harm refers to deliberate, intentional actions taken by an individual to cause physical harm to themselves. It is often associated with emotional distress, mental health issues, and a coping mechanism for dealing with intense emotions or psychological pain. Common methods of self-harm include cutting or scratching the skin, burning oneself, hitting or punching oneself, pulling out hair, or intentionally interfering with wound healing.

It's important to note that self-harm is not typically a suicide attempt, although it can be a risk factor for suicide. People who engage in self-harm often do so as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions, to regain a sense of control, or to express their emotional pain when they don't have the words to describe it. It can become a maladaptive coping mechanism, providing temporary relief but not addressing the underlying issues.

Self-harm is often associated with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, or eating disorders. It is crucial for individuals who engage in self-harm to seek professional help from mental health experts, therapists, or counselors. Treatment may involve therapy, medication, and developing healthier coping mechanisms to manage emotions and stress.
If you or someone you know struggles with self-harm or suicidal ideation, please don't be afraid to reach out. It may be scary, but it will help you so much in the long run. I love you. Keep going. <3
by u-fig June 12, 2023
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