when you go out to town, and notice a troll under the beer bridge, seduce it. This will bring you great things in life.
Billy: Oh my, it is a troll
Sam: Seduce it, please. Be a seductive trolling, for goodness' sakers!
Billy: I'm up for the challenge! >:D
Troll: Helloooooooooo ;)
by BOB HATES YOU <3 February 5, 2011
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A group of idiots who, while railing against men who submit to women, submit to women themselves by changing their personalities and acting like someone else just to get a whiff of their panties.
"The seduction community is the lowest form of life on earth."
by Expose83 September 27, 2009
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A toilet that talks you into sitting on its face... And when it does, it won't let you get off of it until it finishes.
"Oh, my toilet did something strange today... It totally did thi---"

"Probably was Seductive Toilet."
by Sajuco July 8, 2013
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An exetremely unnatractive girl who tries to use a lollipop to seduce a man.

I came across one once, and she demonstrated a what she thought was "sexy" way to lick a lollipop, and stated "It will work on any guy." I was repulsed!
"ugh, seductive lollipopper tried the lollipop thing on me again!"
"she does that everytime you pass her!"
by driche4580 January 24, 2007
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An engaging and attractive automaton, typically designed by a reclusive scientist, created with the purpose of seducing women via webcam chat rooms.
Seduction Bot: I think you're really pretty.
<Scientist enters frame with enthusiastically flowery hand movements before chat ends>
Girl: What? <Leaves chat>
by Derek May 8, 2008
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when a male's chest hair spyrals to seduct the viewer, repulsive to most.

*Please note you must have man boobs to have 'seductive tits'*
wow Hermionie, did you ever noticed that Harry has seductive tits?
by sloncher June 1, 2010
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To flirt with and/or seduce someone with text messages, whether they are in a relationship or not.
"She might be with him, but she's texting with me, me, meeeee.
We gon' text from the mall, we gon' text while we eat, eat, eaaat.
Cause we're having a Textual Seduction.
Textual Seduction, oh, woah."
by Dave Egner March 8, 2008
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