1. Unbelievably superb.
There is no word powerful enough to describe your performance, so I am forced to make one up - "scrumptrulescent!"
by the Jazz March 2, 2004
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Amazing beyond belief. A quality of greatness, perfection, glory and deliciousness otherwise indescribable.
Also Scrumptrulescence.
1. Dustin Diamond's perfomance was scrumptrulescent.
2. That meal was positively scrumptrulescent.
3. I am blinded by your scrumptrulescence.
by B. Wolfe Clifford July 31, 2004
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The only word suitable to describe the utter greatness of Charles Nelson Riley and his performances, as invented - ad hoc - by James Lipton (Will Ferrell), because all other words were, and are, completely inadequate.
There is no word powerful enough to describe your Charles Nelson Riley's performance, so I am forced to make one up, and I will do so right now: scrumptrulescent
by DevinCassidy October 29, 2008
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