(verb) To place beef in taco; Sexual intercourse involving a Jew; Slang for "fuck";
My parents were home so I couldn't schnab the shtoopie.
by Joe the SYyyyyYyyyyy am i sy? October 17, 2006
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1. v. to sneakily abscond with the wastefull leavings of chubby capitalism.
2. n. a goody aquired by the aformentioned method.
3. n. a place/person from which a schnab was aquired.
1.I don't have any cash man, let's go down town and fuckin' schnab Burt's.
2.Gasoline makes an excellent schnab.
3.Wal-Mart, the clasic schnab
by Archie Schmelton September 17, 2005
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An extreme insult in a vast emotions of insanity
Little Marlyn: This isn't who you think it is
Her: Watch it you schnabbing steed. I want those picture by 4. Police.
by mrProtagonist May 17, 2011
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