Any person (this means you Marilyn) who crosses a Union picket line.
Someone who wears a Union support shirt at work before the strike, then crosses the first day. Drives by striking workers without a glance. Then when all have gone home later go's outside and picks up a strike sign, and pretends she's on strike. Doing this; she go's down to the Union hall later and tries to pick up a strike check. Once you scab, you always will be a SCAB!!!!
by Union Striker October 4, 2005
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1. Verb: to obtain a good or money from someone for free by asking them.

2. Noun: a person who frequently obtains goods/money from others for free by asking them. See also 'tightarse'.

(Australian slang.)
1. "Don't invite Rob to the party, he'll just scab drinks off everyone."

2. "That guy is such a scab!"
by aneurysm1985 April 21, 2004
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Mom: Don't peel off that scab. Like a band-aid, it will fall off eventually.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian February 27, 2020
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Formed when platelets in the blood come in to contact with oxygen in the air. Irresistable to pick.
"I love picking scabs."
by Soiled Undergarment August 18, 2003
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Arrow Inspection & Testing 6515 Somerset Blvd 562 789-9502 Ask for Marlene, the scab queen.

A double breasted company attempting to appear to be a Union comapany, but is really a company filled with illeagal alien SCAB inspectors.
Arrow inspection is a SCAB comapany. They dispatch union inspector, then refuse to pay them after they perform their inspection.
by Btowntaz February 14, 2009
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Anyone who crosses a picket line or who picks up open flying with pilots on furlough.
“I saw that open HNL trip so I scabbed it before they could assign it to a reserve.”

“I noticed you were on the senior man list, were you able to scab any trips?”

“I’m on VDO this week hoping to scab a trip for 50% add pay”
by UnitedBusDriver September 27, 2020
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someone who tries to steal all your shit or freeloads off of you constantly.
"Man your a scab."
by HAHAHAHA HAH October 26, 2003
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