someone who helped ruin the british coal industry by crossing the pickets.

generally from nottinghamshire

mansfield town football supporters. scared to come and watch theyre team play darlington fc incase of reprisals
the scabs got theyre houses trashed for crossing the pickets...

(song at a football, or soccer game)

oh mansfield town is full of scabs, its full of scabs scabs and more scabs...
by southerner in the north March 22, 2004
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Someone who spends their life with their hand out, expecting the rest of us to provide for them. In a village scenario, scabs are cooked and eaten, or just cooked and thrown to the dogs. In a modern day scenario, scabs are looked after by the government. They spend their days wasting the hard earned tax dollars of real people, filling their bodies with food that would be better used for feeding the dogs, throwing in a food fight, or just left outside to rot.
A scab thinks the world owe's them a living and will never lift a finger to look for work. Much to the disgust of the rest of us, the scab will still join in discussions about how the country should be run, even though they are but a scab formed from the wound of the welfare system, bleeding money out of the fund needed to fix the roads that scabs complain about on their way to the welfare office.

A person genuinely in need of welfare is not a scab, until they are able to work but choose not to because it's easier to sit around all day and complain that their lives suck. A scab is fairly low, but a considerable step up from a rabbit scab
Scab: 'Man, life is so hard, I have to wait till pay day to get some KFC and a new game to play'

What most people say: 'Yea, that sux man...'

What people should say: 'Fuck up scab. It's not 'pay day' for you, it's 'hand out day'. Get off your scab ass and contribute to society so I don't have to see you wasting my tax dollars on entertaining your worthless scab mind.
by Expose December 14, 2014
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Noun: A beggar, someone who frequently asks for money or gets friends to buy things for them.

Verb: The act of asking someone for money or objects, such as cigarettes.
"That guy is such a scab, he is always asking for money, don't give him anything."

"Hey buddy, can I scab a few dollars from you?"
by Raziel April 25, 2005
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a person who often asks for food, money, drinks, drugs, or anything that costs money. A scab will often beg for something and often asks you for things with no intention of returning the favor. Scabs can be any kind of person and is often called a scab after borrowing/taking things from people numerous times.
"Yo dude can i have some french fries? I forgot my lunch money"

"Dude you're such a SCAB!"
by nick and nickyyy March 25, 2009
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Among p2p or torrenting communities: Derogatory term for a person or network of the bottom feeding classes. One that habitually takes the technical work of others and attempts to pass it off as their own without proper attribution.

Scabs are typically childish, petulant and feeble minded in character, often engaging in primitive but overt "chest beating" behaviour in an attempt to prove they've got a gigantic e-penis and are untouchable. In reality they are stunted specimens, each with a Napolean complex in that much like the emperor himself, they use forceful tactics while their girlfriends are cheating on them.
Person A: Have you heard of this new tracker? I've heard it's pretty good.
Person B: Yeh I wouldn't join if I were you, it's run by a bunch of filthy scabs.
by Randomlygeneratedpseudonym April 14, 2011
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Supporter of Mansfield Town FC, since the Mansfield area's coal mines remained open (thus, they "scabbed") during the 1984 miners' strike.
"5-2, we beat the Scabs 5-2..."
by Saltergate Stu November 11, 2004
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