all communication deficient in sarcasm
In un-sarc news, I'm not feeling very well today.
by beandog February 8, 2005
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Abbreviation - Sarcasm Intended

Sarcasm is very hard to get across when using the internet, so typing SARC-INT will make sure people get your hint from the get-go, and saves you precious time explaining that you were actually being sarcastic
Without SARC-INT:

Person 1 - "I love that hat ur wearing in ur prof pic."
Person 2 - "Really?"
Person 1 - "I was being Sarcastic."
Person 2 - "Ahh right, yeah lol I was forced to wear it."

Person 1 - "I love that hat ur wearing in ur prof pic. (SARC-INT)
Person 2 - "Yeah tell me about it lol."
by MrTaffyMann May 16, 2010
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A saga or arc of a series which has come to an abrupt halt for an undisclosed amount of time, more so to a manga or comic series.
E.g. Gunslinger girls three and a half years gap between volume three, the start of the pinochio arc and volume four where it continues the arc, hence a Sarc.
by Faramon July 18, 2007
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It is a very evil little place that controls all spaces and calendars pertaining to student org activities, run by tiny little gremlins 'interns' and one big gremlin 'mike' armed with computers and the singular ability to order white folding chairs. they are here to 'help' you. ostensibly.

(Defn credit to Catherine Buxton)
Maddy: "I have to get permission to use the mug"

Doug: "Ugh, have fun with the gremlins in the SARC office"
by vassvass123 October 31, 2011
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/sarc is usally used at the end of a sarcastic message/post online where somebody cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or not.
Horay! I love being cheated on!


SARC sarcastic sarcasm titties
by OMGWhyAmIOnTheInternetThisLate September 3, 2015
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A super adorable man who make minecraft videos! They are very talkative and energetic also he has good vibes. His hair, his style and his personality are perfect.. They are very smart and always like to get their work in on time, but yet can be very good at laziness- He love to make their friends laugh and help them even when they can be very annoying sometimes..
Donation: "There's been an earthquake, but I still can't stop watching damn S4rcasthicc stream-- ILY BIG MAN!"

by marissanotfound November 24, 2021
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Smol boi on I funny with the name JustaSarcasmGod
Taken By: Gayyifffurry aka Apollo
Loves Photography and Drawing....with no skill at either.
Person 1: Wow, did you see Sarc and Apollo, they're so cute together.
Person 2: Yeah but will they get a fucking room?
Person 1: Yes
Person 2: Press (X) to Doubt
by JustaSarcasmGod October 15, 2018
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