An ugly person... when walking by a group may yell out RRRRROOOOAST!!!..and may also proceed to howl and bark..
1)...damn...shes a roast...
2) Man she asked for my phone number and i told her roasted a$$ hell naw.
by myron April 20, 2004
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To tell someone off with a bad ass comeback.

Boy: "kill yourself"

Girl: "if I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your Ego and jump to your IQ"
by Nikki Fazbear November 21, 2016
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To humorously mock or humiliate someone with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback.

Noun form: the aforementioned joke, diss or comeback.

See also sizzle
"When Gonzo got drunk, he made fun of John's ugly-ass suit--it was a delicious roast."
by Creff von Crinklepants December 7, 2005
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In internet culture, being 'roasted' is when another member makes a witty comment or comeback upon oneself which is cause for all the preteens behind the screen to scream "OOOOOOOHHHHHH", postpubescents to nod in amusement and oneself to cringe in utter defeat.

See owned
by Dat1guy69 November 19, 2015
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a roast is when you say a perfectly timed comeback that leaves your opponent speechless.
"bro, yo teeth as jacked up as Donald Trumps hairline."

by takemyadvicebtch July 12, 2016
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Roasting someone means that you know how to be tactfully mean (snarky) without being mean-spirited in poking fun at someone, teasing, ruthlessly ridiculing, trash talking, and even mocking them.
Roasting people that you know is usually a bad idea because people will believe that there is truth in every joke and might laugh in the moment but remember nothing but bitterness, which is why roasting should be reserved for when a person truly deserves it.
by Rosebud1776 May 5, 2017
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To harm someone physically and mentally because whoever is roasting and or being roasted is an asshole. To roast in a group of people is known as a "Squad roast". And you will be known as the assholes of the school, work, or wherever you go to waste your life.
The fattest bitch in my school pushed me out of the way while screaming "Move fat-ass!" And boy did shit go down because that night she received a roast from my squad. - Russian Soviet 2004 or some bullshit
by LeeBiscuit88 August 24, 2017
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