A burger that comes with collard greens
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Ring Around the Collard Burger, you should try it!"
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The type of male pattern baldness in which a man is bald on top with hair around the sides and back of his head.
If i were bald, I would shave my head before I would sport a ring around the ding dong!
by The Joneses December 8, 2014
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A special burger that comes with an onion ring and rosemary
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the I Know Why the Onion Ring Around the Rosemary Burger, you should try it!"
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More or less, when someone doesn't wipe well enough after a poo.
I went to pay attention to her bicycle spoke, but she had a ring around the moon.
by ProbablyErin October 9, 2014
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When you masterbate with a dirty hand and leave dirt rings on your palm by your thumb
Eww!! I met the new guy at work and he tried to shake my hand and he had ring around the thumb .

Sorry sir but bro! Clean your fuckin hands you got bad ring around the thumb!
by Speedsmoker69 April 21, 2023
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When a chick is performing the pterodactyl, the guys rotate positions so that each one can get some dactyl spit on their dick.
That little ho wanted to play ring around the dactyl, so we all saddled up and rotated on that bitch until bukkake time.
by Jereth Cutestory February 17, 2010
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