Masturbating with a group of your homies to see who nuts first.
"Aye bro you wanna racebait with the bros today?"
"Nah dude today is my hot gay sex day"
by Noobmaster969696969 December 15, 2022
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When a non-white person uses their own race to call out other races(99.99999% of the time white people), of supposed racism or "appropriation", in order to get validation and further a narcissistic agenda.
A narcissist Native American man wakes up one day and decides that he wants to racebait. In a crowded place, a Native American man comes up to a bunch of random ass white people that they've never met and starts bullying them about how they "stole their land" and that they should go back to Europe. The braindead democratic crowd surrounds them and starts shouting at them and bullying at them along with the Native American man.

First of all, Native Americans came from Asia. Second, if you truly hate white people then you might as well hate every other race because that is who is living on "your land" right now.

Third, why is everybody so obsessed with land? In what way does land correlate to your self-worth or innocence? If you feel so connected to a piece of fucking dirt then you might as well take back Africa because that is where you all came from.

by Hamburger harold December 12, 2021
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A view-grabbing tactic and manipulative move that many popular news networks (such as CNN) thrive off nowadays due to the dying off television and the uprising of everything going digital. It is the use of one-sided story-telling from movements like #blm and feminism that display them crying over racism in which happens to be untrue, and there was no racism whatsoever, but social justice warriors use it like any other word so casually. But they won't tell you that, and because many people are too lazy to research nowadays, many people are lead to believe these false claims be true. Which brew up anger and cause race wars.
Guy 1: "I hate how all these news channels keep racebaiting. It's so fucked up."

Guy 2 (in response): "I know right? This honestly needs to stop."
by CJ203 July 15, 2017
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