A sexual practice whereby many dicks (as big and as many as possible) are inserted into an asshole. The idea is to annihilate the asshole beyond recognition... to the point where nobody could ever figure out exactly WHICH dick caused all the destruction. It destroys the asshole completely, but the destruction is so great that it couldn't possibly be pinned on one particular dick.

Can also be applied to economics, but the term "asshole" is replaced by subject "economy" and "dicks" are replaced by "The Federal Reserve".
Bob: Damn! That bitch's ass is destroyed! They must have performed quantitative easing on her!

Chris: Well, there is certainly some inflation going on there! They could have at least spit on it!
by RandyMarshCT August 3, 2011
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An unconventional policy using a flawed interpretation of economics, such as Keynesianism, to print huge volumes of paper money which are not supported by anything except public trust. This policy is apparently used to bail to out failed entities friendly to the politicians in charge at tax-payer expense, and to punish successful enterprises which oppose the unconventional policy.
While plunging the federal economy into massive debt by printing paper money which is not supported by anything except public trust, Blurbnanke continued the rodeo of quantitative sleazing, throwing money at Detroit, banks, and other comrades until the US will be the making us the biggest debtor nation on the planet, but the sheeple still have some credit left and stocks are up, so everything is fine.
by psnack September 30, 2013
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When the Federal Reserve say's "OK Working class slaves,,,
Bend over... This will only hurt a little bit"...
But then they put sand and glass in the K-Y jelly (t.m.) When

your not looking.(use your tax dollars to repay junk debt)
First Guy: Did Your retirement account slide loo?

Second Guy: Yea... i got a real Quantitative Greasing!
by scubadoobie November 3, 2010
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The consumption of large amounts of dairy product.
Patient: "I'm massively lactose intolerant; what can I do?"
Doctor: "I recommend a course of quantitative cheesing."
Patient: "But... isn't that going to make things worse?"
Doctor: "Yep!"
by RhythmJunky August 16, 2010
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QE = Quantitative Easing. Basically, QE is a way for Treasury to print more money out of thin air, so that Federal Reserve can "buy" more American National Debt. Thus, US "owes" 15 trillion National Debt.

Federal Reserve is a "loan shark" organization, privately owned by the world richest and most powerful international fat cat old banker dudes.

Remember, "Loan Sharks" want people to borrow more & more.
The word Bail-Out became a bad name, so QE = Quantitative Easing was invented.

Now, QE is a bad name, so the process of "printing money out of thin air" is called, "President's Jobs' Bill."
by EndtheFednow October 13, 2011
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