20 definitions by psnack

The monopolization of agriculture, to control the food production industry, leading to not sustainable and corporation-dependent farming.
Our agronopoly includes patenting of seed to control farmers and prevent them from reusing seeds. The agronopoly is suing governments who do not support GMO crops. The agronopoly litigated against the farmer who did not buy the GMO seeds.
by psnack May 21, 2009
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Actually, it means afternoon snack! ...the the 4th of 5 meals in the Czech Rep.
Let's have a svacina after lunch!
by psnack September 3, 2007
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A person who is addicted to buying internet domain names. Anyone who owns more than 30 domains.
Lada, the computer geek, is always thinking up domain names and has more than he uses; he's such a domainiac.
by psnack February 24, 2009
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The Linux command for "Change the owner and/or group of each FILE to OWNER and/or GROUP." Caution- this has other synonyms!
Tom was chowning on his laptop computer.
by psnack July 6, 2009
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A false interpretation of economics, as Keynesianism, which is repeated verbally over and over, until the sheeple believe that it is a science.
An example of echonomics is when the Keynesian Kenyan and Ben Shalom Blurbnanke repeatedly telling us that stimulation will make us all rich again, but the Keynesian policies are only providing quantitative sleazing of our economy into ruin, and making us the biggest debtor nation on the planet.
by psnack September 30, 2013
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A mix of Czech and English, usually including English roots with Czech conjugation and declination.
He speaks Czenglish with his Czech grandmother, because his Czech vocabulary is limited.
by psnack October 6, 2013
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A large, expensive automobile, usually a sedan. Also Luxo-barge.
My old 1970 Ford LTD performed very well, and would now be considered a luxobarge.
That gangsta has a pimped-out luxobarge to carry his hoes and gym bag.
by psnack February 12, 2009
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