A common misspelling of the word "own", caused by the fact that Qwerty keyboards cause many spelling errors. (the o is right next to the p)
Person 1: I pwn you.
Person 2: Qwerty keyboards own *you*.
by Konetzin August 21, 2005
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A simplified version of - Pistol-owned from counterstrike. newbs run around with machine guns while veterans with real accuracy use pistols and 'Pistol-own' people, or pwn. May even date back to Splatterball (on AOL), where Pistol-owning was also used.

another possible beginning- pwn = Pawn, from Everquest, where the weakest creatures were pawns. orc pawn.... to get beat by a pawn sucked, you were pwn'd...
I pwn j00.

My mithril bp pwns your leather one.
by l33t pwner May 27, 2004
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to kick ass (has many uses just as the word 'Fuck')
i frickin pwned ur face
i am teh pwn
dude.. this guy pwns
wat a pwn
by not a jew July 19, 2003
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(poon)not pawn or pone
1. to utterly destroy or defeat a person or computer in a game (usually on the computer)

2. misspelling the word own.

3. a higher intensity than own. to pwn is to own so badly that the other player stood no chance whatsoever.
"I pWn3d j00 nStY sTyL3" (past-tense)
"i pwn him" (verb)
"that was crazy pwnage" (noun)
by AJ October 12, 2004
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a played out word used by WOW players and other general losers that live on their computers in a fantasy world they created for themselves. they seem to believe what they do online in these various games has some bearing on real life. users of this word are usually picked on in school or their work place and look up to people like the columbine and va tech killers as their idols. this is due to the fact they think they can talk to people in real life the same they do on their little games. reality then sets in and making actually human friends outside of their virtual world becomes immensely difficult.
loser: i totally pwn'd that guy!
me: shut the fuck up...get off that computer and get a life! and for the record you don't "OWN" shit...bitch.
by my little PWNy November 18, 2007
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Player owned, or possibly better known as "power owned." Used to show more-than-normal ownage of someone's elses skills at generally a video game.
by Machine July 8, 2003
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to beat someone in some sort of competition or match severly or easily
That noob was pwned!!!!!
by Davvis December 15, 2007
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