when a man loses his testicles to his woman.

All men who wish to have any form of relationship (or just get laid) must be pussywhipped to a certain degree. The minor offenders are never called pussywhipped, only the men who allow their woman to walk all over them and totally control every aspect of their life (even if the woman is not in the smae state at the time).
Friend1: Dude, Ryan is really pussywhipped. He follows Christian all over the place, doesn't talk to his friends (unless she does) and only hangs out with her and her friends.
Friend2: At least he's getting some
Friend1: Yeah, but we havn't seen him in 4 months. Tommorow I'm gonna report him missing to the police
by northendwhitetrash January 19, 2008
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adj. Describing a heterosexual male who is socially and emotionally dominated by his life partner.
Jeff won't come to our tailgate party. He's so pussywhipped Alex Karras sent him a sympathy card!
by Nappy Martin November 30, 2003
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When a male loses all his dignity that he falls so far as to be ruled completely by his "girlfriend".
Friend 1:Where the fuck is Fred, he's missin out on some serious shit.
Friend 2: Dude, he's w/ his fuckin' girlfriend as usual.
Friend 3: The usual huh, he's definately pussywhipped.
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When a male of the species will not do anything against his significant other's wishes for fear that she will retaliate by not performing sexual favors for him.
Friend #1: "Man, that bitch has Jack pussywhipped! Know where he is?"
Friend #2: "Yeah, he's so afraid he won't get any tonight, he's home watching 'Dawson's Creek' with her instead of at the World Series with us!"
Friend #3: "Damn, what a loser."
by FaerieAne December 3, 2003
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To be rather overly obsessive about one's girl friend right up to the point that when she says "Jump", you say, "How High?", for fear that, should you displease her, you will not be getting any that night. Extreme cases of this can lead to some gut-wrenchingly naff behavioural patterns (i.e. kissing the handset when she phones you.)
"I'm not pussywhipped, I'm in love. And she IS a sweet little pie..." - Anon. Pussywhipped Lover
by KHD February 1, 2004
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when you ask your friend if can they hang out, and you say no because you're to busy eating some PUSSY!
Bill:"Hey can you hang out this weekend?"
John: "No, my girlfriend said I can't

Bill: "Dude you're Pussywhipped"
John: No I'm not!"
Bill: "Yeah right"
by Darkpoet32 June 22, 2022
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Someone that obsessively does anything and everything for their girlfriend. This may include letting their girlfriend place foreign objects into there ass.
That guy over their is so pussywhipped that he let his girlfriend put a gerbil in his ass for stimulation.
by 9009 April 21, 2010
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