a dinner party. lots of great people and food. often with clean jokes and games.
new jersey veg social vegan potluck
new york veg social vegan potluck
philly veg social vegan potluck
by jim norton2 April 25, 2010
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The crazy shit you take after eating suspect food at a potluck event.
Dude, I took the worst potluck shit last night. I don't know if it was Brandon's Garlic Dip or Ashley's cheese salad that did me in... whatever it was that dump was chaos!
by SamEureka August 9, 2011
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A gathering wherein a group of people each bring a burrito ingredient, then everyone makes burritoes with the ingredients to eat for dinner while watching hilarious movies.
Let's head to Chris an Liz's, I hear they're having a Mexican Potluck with that new Machete movie... i've got an onion, here, take this carrot.
by Osmosis, lord of the dance February 15, 2012
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Formal name for a lesbian orgy. Participants usually are encouraged to bring sex toys, but men are not permitted, since "no meat" is allowed.
Sorry man, but you can't come to Jessica's vegan potluck.
by TRF012 September 17, 2009
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The profuse sweating caused by excessive pot luck consumption within a very short period of time.
"Kyle pigged out at the potluck so bad that he ended up getting the potluck sweats!"
by AndreaSt September 11, 2008
everybody nabs someone elses dog, cooks it, and brings it to da potluck dinner
"where's woofie?"
"dunno, we gonna be late fo da potluck"
by bruja April 24, 2005
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Like a food potluck. Everybody brings an alcoholic beverage of their choice which will be shared with the rest of the guests at the "potluck".
Let's bring this Vodka to Emily's party. It's an alcohol potluck so there will be a lot more alcohol to chose from!
by gahh gahh January 10, 2011
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