Origins unknown; used as a codeword to describe people hooking up; now used as common slang in (mostly the north of) Scotland to describe any kind of sexual activity, and indeed many other activities which have little or nothing to do with sex, and is generally used to indicate that something fortunate has occurred. It can be used as a legitimate verb in regular conversation, but it is normally just shouted, and is accompanied by a hand action where one puts the thumb and middle finger together, and taps them with the index finger.
Chris and Eleanor start making out at a party.

Chris's friends: "PIECING!"


Chris and Eleanor start making out in a library or a similarly quiet/awkward situation.

Chris's friends: -hand action-


Chris: I got the new Call of Duty!

Chris's friends: "PIECING!" -hand action-


Chris: I pieced four girls last night!
by Gregasm November 11, 2009
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Sharing a portion of your cigarette/tobacco/etc.
"Yo lets go stoge."

"Dam I only got one stick left."

"Fuck it den lets just Piece It.
by Sukimonster February 28, 2009
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A credit card used to purchase items. Typically expensive clothing. The card is usually stolen or bought.
Bro, I just clapped some Bape. See, my piece stay hitting.
by Brooklyn slang January 16, 2018
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A device for smoking marijuana. Usually a glass piece.
by Scarab December 13, 2002
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1. a formidable work of graffiti (short for "masterpiece")
2. a gun
3. a bowl used for smoking cannabis
1. "yo last night walkin by the yard i saw my boy jon throwin up a huge piece."
2. "i reached for my piece and peeled his cap"
3. "i removed my piece and my dime bag from my backpack and got ready to smoke."
by sizam August 3, 2003
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similar to bombing (large, elaborate, artistic pieces of graffiti)
by Anonymous August 29, 2003
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a hot or sexy lady; often used when checkin' out bitches in public places.

short for "piece of ass."
(On a college campus) "Damn, look at that little piece."

"There's a lot of pieces up in this club"

"I'm tired of dumb pieces. It's time to nab an intelli-piece."
by LORO STANGELOWE April 12, 2010
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