when all you can see or think about is pie, whether its food pie or guy pie
oh im so hungry i really want a chicken pie mmm pie,

uh I got the pie eye!!!


daaaaymmm he looks fit he could well just be my fit pie as I already have a hot pie, sexy pie, and a rich pie oh I love my pies! the pie eye is out today!!
by j2da9 September 15, 2010
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noun: the way her eyes light up when she wants filled with a hot gooey load of your jizz
Did you see how Sara was looking at me? She was giving me the cream-pie eyes. Tonight I'm gonna turn that toaster strudel into a twinkie.
by the shit faced cockmaster February 5, 2019
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a brown-eye pie is when someone poops on themself (preferably soft poop) and do not let the fecal matter leave their butt, they just squeeze their cheeks together to create a sort of pie filling in their butt. The person then finds a dirty, hungry hobo and asks if he/she wants pie. Being completelly famished since the poor lazy bastard doesnt have a job he/she agrees. The person then lays down (on stomach with pants down) and the hobo opens up the butt cheeks to find a delicious anal goo filling filled with an assortment of vitamins, nutrients, and STANK!!
aww man I have to poop...hey why dont you make a brown-eye pie for all of us to eat...GREAT IDEA!! i just ate taco bell to so its gonna be spicey..OOOOh me likey spicey...stfu pablo and go mow my lawn
by yowussup October 4, 2010
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The contrast between the outer labia and inner vaginal area of a dark skinned black woman's vagina when viewed from approximately 6 to 12 inches away.
Dayammmmmm! Krishiqua you wasn't lyin girl. Yo pussy is darker then a muthafucka! That shit look like piece a pie wif a big ass, muthafuckin purple eye right in the gotdamn middle. Shiatt I best be careful not to break a toof off in dat muthafucka. Greasy ass, gotdamn, purple eye pie! Mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm!
by krisheekwa March 9, 2011
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Jizz in your eye
Cum in your eye
Etc. Etc.

The whore got pie in her eye when he pulled out to quick.

The slut got pie in her eyes.
You got pie in your eye.
by djdjesd October 17, 2014
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The eye style that old Mickey Mouse etc. has.
Mickey from 40's had the pie eye
by Cynaggot December 12, 2016
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When you cum in your hand and slap the girl while doing the nasty.
Hornyella get over here for a pie in the eye
by Crimetown warriors December 9, 2020
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