It is when you fart really loud in class, and in order to save yourself the embarrassment, you look at the conveniently placed special ed kid a few seats away from you as if he did it. In all it is a win-win situation, you get to defer the blame on that impressive poot, while your mentally and physically challenged peer a few seats down gets sympathy. You aren't a bad person? Right? Riiight..?
"Dude my mom still sent me to school while I was recovering from the stomach flu. I had to keep passing the gas to that kid who always sprints to lunch so nobody would think it was me."
by ImJustItalian2839 September 21, 2021
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The transfer of gasses when you burp in a girls vagina while giving head, allowing the gas to escape and travel through her body and out of her mouth, making her burp as well
Guy 1: Bro!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: I was slurping on my girl’s juice when I gas passed her!
by I eat children’s February 9, 2020
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With your wife's hair dryer in hand, turn it on high heat and high flow. Point discharge end of hair dryer toward her and fart an unfiltered fart in the intake of said hair dryer.
The ol lady was putting her face on in the master bath when I gave her a hot gas pass that made her gag.
by Texas MPM October 10, 2019
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