The act of passively ceasing to exist.
Yo Ricky can you tell me why you're partridging our vacation?
Sorry i was busy trying to make a mayo sandwich
by vavika and vajeesh April 27, 2019
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1. An inane and hilarious phrase used by fictional Norwich-based TV and radio presenter, Alan Partridge. Partridgisms are often used as exclamations of joy or satisfaction, chiefly at the expense of others.

2. A phrase first coined by Alan Partridge that has subsequently made its way into popular culture.
1. I'm 47, my girlfriend's 33. She's 14 years younger than me. Back of the net!

2. Examples of partridgisms: Back of the net! Cash back! Jurassic park! Kiss my face! That was classic intercourse.
by Brent170 June 24, 2007
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To make a statement which makes you look foolish or backfires.
Jason pulled a Partridge when he said "When Bale comes on it will lift the team and give us another 25%"
by A very silly monke October 20, 2020
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To tell everyone goodbye and then not leave.
A. What are you still doing here. You said goodbye already twice.
B. I meant to leave, then stayed.
A. Nice partridge.
by cLF October 17, 2006
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An introverted bird who often perches alone atop his tree house. The pair of turtle doves across the way often call him a "loner," but in truth all he really wants to do is just sit at home and eat pears.
Randy: Dude, you stayed at home all weekend. You're such an introverted partridge.

Thomas: Truthfully, Randy. I find you kind of mean. I would much rather stay home, play Skyrim, and eat pears then hang out with you.
by The Modern Carpetbagger December 4, 2013
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Verb; to repeatedly attempt to engage in sexual actions with someone, despite clear signs that the other party has no intentions of taking it further
A person who decides to try to give a girl 'the finger' after already having their advances rejected two minutes previously might be said to be 'doing a partridge' or 'partridging'
by NotPartridge September 16, 2013
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