Usually said in a derogatory or dismissive way, as if to insinuate that something shown or mentioned, is of no real interest at all, has been seen before, even, or especially when the item is brand new, unique and very splendid
Andy showed Chris his brand new, custom made wanking mitt

Oh THAT wanking mitt... said Chris
by roguetrooper January 12, 2009
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when u dont care.
him: its my bday !!
by zayy4L January 20, 2022
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The word used in the exact moment when one's own stupidity is realized.
Don't eat that! It's toxic!

by guju bhai annonymous December 3, 2007
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means that ur just so over everythig and u cant do anything bc ur too sad and cant do anythig and all you can do is say oh
dog: woof

you: hewow you cute doggie

mum: the dogGie isnt rEal

you: oh
by itsnotworkinglol May 28, 2019
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Yo LB u copping that plate?

by LBMA August 27, 2020
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Oh no, our table, it's broken!
Dave: Dude, my brother just Oh no! Fred: Congrats.
by Trin404 May 20, 2022
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person 1: i really like scott!
person 2: oh there!
by Stephanie September 14, 2003
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