Obsesses over the newest fad or idea. Always has a new hobby or passion. Instantly knows everything about the obsession, most likely due to google search.
By 8 a.m. this morning, my buddy had entered the Mr. Universe contest, by 10 a.m. he sold his gym equipment. By noon one would of thought he had a masters in science and computer technology due he vast knowledge of google searched items. Then as the afternoon came to an end, he had sold all of his computers and purchased a dog sled, and was going off the grid in the Yukon. Very typical of his obsessive compulsive bi-polar fad chasing disorder.
by Cucklife February 6, 2021
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The inability to control ones urge to purchase Power Scrolls on Ultima Online Forever no matter how small the quantity.
Sniffles went 5 hours out of his way to buy 1 Powerscroll last night. That guy has major Spider food obsession. He isn’t even good at the game.
by Clars800 February 23, 2021
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