a tiny town in north florida, whose residents have all been there forever. it is the black hole of the south, using its southern drawl and hospitality to suck you in, then using its wal-mart and great deals and low prices to keep you there. beware live oak!

also a tree, but who cares about that. beware live oak!
by reaverlight August 27, 2008
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There is a teacher named Mr. Coopman who was fired for looking in the girl's locker room and so now they have to have a barricade so he cant look in again. (They rehired him Cuz they couldn't find another gym teacher). There is this teacher who is a cunt named Ms. Fischer and she harassed us every day we were at that school and we always were yelled at and shit for no reason. Mrs. Korienek was the all time feminist. Mrs. Albright was rude. Mrs. Illsowictz was rude. Ms. GH would always read books that said "nigger" and "negro". Mr. Rank would always cuss and run tangents on us. Overall what ever you do don't bring you kids to this school. Thank god I left 3 years ago.
"All the kids who go to Oak Prairie are special ed"
by Sendmementalhelp May 21, 2019
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big ass neighborhood in deptford. full of dirty ass sluts, grimey potheads, but some cool people. the local hangout there is, the foodmart, vitos, the park, baseball feilds, the school and the woods. so many people have fucked on that bridge in the woods, i wouldnt be suprised if there were cum spots on it somewhere. twelve year olds are smoking, and nineteen year olds are buying for them .. nice right ? oak valley isn't as bad as most places, but people are pretty fucked up in that neighborhood. you should visit sometime, meet everyone for yourself !
12 year old: yo you wanna roll a dutchie ?
other 12 year old: yeah, lets go to oak valley !
by oaaakvallley August 4, 2010
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1. (Noun)

Professor Oak.

A rugged, elderly gentleman with gray hair and black eyebrows. Also a sexual tyrannosaurus, and a complete badass.

2. (Verb)

UNC To Professor Oak.

PPS Professor Oaking.

PST Professor Oaked.

PS Professor Oaks.

Background Information:
Professor Oak is a male scientist who studies Pokemon.
It is well-known that Professor Oak is not the slightest bit afraid to give his balls to little children.

Professor Oak sent Ash Kechum on a quest to collect every pokemon and complete a pokedex. Oak specifically kept a pokemon Ash would need to complete the pokedex. This happened mainly because Professor Oak wanted Ash out of the house so he could hook up with Ash's mom.

Professor Oak successfully stopped the JFK assassination from occurring by deflecting the magic bullet with a thrown pokeball. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

At any given time, Professor Oak has SIMULTANEOUS HOES. He frequents the Holiday Inn and participates in many hotel parties.

The movie "Collateral" (Starring Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx) is based upon the life and adventures of Professor Oak.

In the game "DOOM," the main character was modeled after a young Professor Oak (while he was in the United States Space Marines).
1. (Noun) My dad is such a Professor Oak. He cheats on Mom every day with several bitches whom he cares nothing about. When Mom tries to say something about it he strangles her... and right as she is about to faint he lets go and headbutts her in the forehead.

2. (Verb) Last night, after Lisa got good and wasted, I totally fuckin' Professor Oaked that bitch.

Are you alright?
Yeah... but I don't think the blood stains will ever come out of my shoes.
by Oo_Raab_oO September 30, 2009
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A great ass school with some shitty people but mostly good ones. Some pretty terrible teachers, but then again some are pretty amazing. The other definitions are bull shit. Homer is just a bunch of fucking petty people, so like no thanks. The majority of the girls are pretty bad, but, eh, there's some good ones. The guys aren't the best.
Oak Prairie is more real than the petty bull shit at Homer Junior High.
by LittleBitTiny February 28, 2017
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A fucking badass pokemon trainer. He's old as shit and his caught bitch loads of pokemans in his day. he dgafs about new niggas tryin to be pokemon trainers cause he already knows he beats them.
Prof Oak pwnz j00.
by C0NN3RC4$HM0N3Y February 1, 2009
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A neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley (north of Los Angeles) where it is believed that the Valley Girl accent originated.
like, totally! let's go cruise around the Sherman Oaks Galleria and like buy some clothes or something!
by magnetic August 7, 2006
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