oading means something horrible.
also was a typo on aim.
Rita: OMG LOOK!!
Rita: -.-
Janelle: This is SO oading.
by janncrittenden. August 6, 2009
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OAD or “Off All Day” is a service industry termin which means that you don’t have to be at work at any time that day. Not working just morning shift, or coming in at 5 and can only do a happy hour, but off all fff day and can chill and drink all day long. Was created by Brian Senseny and Poon Squad in Ocean city, MD.
- Anya, Are you going to work after we hitMacky’s”?
-No, dude, I’m OAD tonight!
by AnyaTea June 3, 2018
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Guy 1: you can't joke about that, you're so toxic
Guy 2: okay sure brenda leave the house once maybe, you seem to have oad
by 407383 May 29, 2019
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Obsessive Anushka Disorder...When you are Obsessed with Anushka and you can't do anything to stop it!
DUDE: hey dude I have OAD
Other dude: WHAO
by iHaveOAD January 5, 2009
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Over and Done
"Kate and Jon are OAD"
by Princess watermaker August 6, 2009
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"Damn Alex is OAD.....he came through when no one else did"
by f.y.b.j. June 1, 2009
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Frank: Man John is 33 years old this yeah
Tim: That dude is OAD man.
by jenbarrell January 4, 2018
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