An inexplicable death occurring during a heavily lagging multiplayer game.

The effected player may have full health/shields and/or be completely isolated from any percievable threat; such as, but not limited to, enemy players.
Player 1: Why the fuck did I die!? I had full shields and there's noone near me! Mcsnazzy498 killed me? Where the fuck is he!

Player 2: Shit! People are glitching left and right! This is so laggy!

Player 3: How am I supposed to kill anyone when we're all Lag-Dying?

Player 1: Fuck this game, I'm leaving.
by Ab0mbs August 14, 2009
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Someone who is playing a game online, either via console or pc, who has a crappy internet connection and or is downloading a huge file, that lags up a game, making everybody lag, therefore RUINING the game.
"What the hell! that guy is disappearing and appearing , I can't shoot him!, What a lag munch!"
by Mr.Xbox October 3, 2008
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After drinking a few, you easily fall asleep only to wake up several hours later, wide awake and unable to return to sleep. The booze has upset your sleep cycle, similar to international or cross time-zone travel.
You: Dude, I had killer Booze-lag last night! I passed out after those margaritas at 9:30pm only to wake up with a vengeance at midnight. Too bad I have this presentation today and I'm wrecked...
by JJChairo November 25, 2009
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when talking to someone online has delayed replies resulting in frustration.

Joe: "man, the chick i like has major convo lag tonight."
Jim: "she doesn't like you then, sucks to be you joe."


Frank: "what's with the convo lag tonight man"
Bob: "sorry looking at porn and playing WOW"
by shazzatpm January 9, 2008
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An invisible beast that resides in the depths of online multiplayer games. It uses it's tentacles of bad connection to bind the player and pull him/her back the distance they thought they had already traveled
"Man! I almost got that kill, but the LAG KRAKEN pulled me back long enough to give someone else the kill."
by FAC Spitfire97 August 21, 2008
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The temporary change in personality that occurs after being deeply involved with a movie, book, game, or some other work of fiction.

Can also be expanded to nonfiction ("documentary lag" or some other variant), but is less common because those works are typically experienced through the frame of the reader/player/watcher's default personality.
CHRIS: Don't think. Don't hesitate. Just say it.

ASHLEY: Why are you talking like that?

CHRIS: What?

ASHLEY: You sound like a movie trailer. Is this because you just finished watching Fight Club?

CHRIS: Uhh... yeah I guess I'm a little fiction lagged.
by PaleBlueYacht February 20, 2011
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a community or nation that is less developed in art or literature than in its industry and sports.
The cultural lag of that country deprived it of any interests the tourists might have.
by Luddz June 4, 2015
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