Sometimes used on the internets as an abbreviation for Music Video.
by Hurkio September 4, 2006
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Sometimes used on the internets as an abbreviation for Music Video.
by Hurkio September 4, 2006
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An IBM mainframe operating system. Sort of like a dying language, in use but dying a long slow death.

Also means a dinosaur.

Nothing sadder than an old MVS guy still looking for a gig.

That guy working behind the counter at McDonalds is an old MVS guy.
by Joe Iron January 21, 2008
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a school where fucking spoiled rich bitches go.
by bob February 9, 2005
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Short for Mechanical Ventilator.

A MV or mechanical ventilator is a device that assists with breathing as by a mask over the patient's mouth, and nose, or more commonly by a breathing tube also known as an ET or Endotracheal tube placed into the patient's airway or trachea.
1. He was on an MV for five years before they got him on a CPAP machine, and just weaned him off like THAT.
2. Are you serious?
3. Yes!!!!!!
4. Wow.
by 1992peter March 27, 2010
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Stands for Megavirgin. A Megavirgin is a person who has not seen sunlight in 1> year and has not felt the touch of a woman in his life.
Joel is a fat MV.
by HoelDaWiredToaster October 12, 2020
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