One who is found to have sincere business in the front, yet an unmistakable party in the back...the hairstyle often worn by aging rockers who refuse to admit that Warrant is not the best band ever...
Theres a fuckin' huuuge party in the back on that motherfucker, but he's all business up front!
by Fuck Face June 21, 2003
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A ugly ass hair style worn mostly by hockey boys
Bestie: " Owen is so ugly"
Me: " Yah, especially with that mullet"
by DorasOnCrack November 7, 2022
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the state of having a mullet
I went to SuperCuts last night and the bitch mulleted me!
by Hosie August 4, 2003
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Any haircut which is significantly longer in the back than the front or sides. Also see mulletude and butt rock
An example of a true mullet would be a 30-something white man with a huge mullet. Enjoys incest, spousal and child abuse, Child porn, professional wrestling, NASCAR, doggy-style intercourse, 80's hair metal, old muscle cars, and Colt 45
by dioisgod April 24, 2003
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Haircut traditionally associated with American whitetrash, wrestlers, middle of the road american cockrock bands, and in general the eras of the late 70's through to the 80's.

However the mullet is currently making a resurgence in metrosexual males from the Welsh valleys.
Often associated with scarily clone-like steroid using, fake tan covered, pink t-shirt wearing posers who love themselves and spend far more time in the gym and hairdressers than any straight male ever should.
Affectionately known locally as "Spice Boys" - known more generally as "twats"
Apparently they are unaware that the mullet has not been considered cool (outside of Arkansas that is) for over 20 years
"check out the mullets on those spice boys over there - its like they're in fucking uniform man!"

"spice boys? - is that what you call them round here? - back home we just call them Twats and be done with it"
by malfunctioning eddy August 10, 2007
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Short, business-like hair in the front and long, Trailer Trash-like hair in the back. Also known as the "10-90", the "neckwarmer", and the "beaver paddle".
"Did you see that dudes 10-90?"

"He looks like my sister!"
by Casey November 29, 2004
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A stylish hair cut that has been popular for decades. Short on top, long in the back. Looks good on anyone. It will always be in style. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a bad mullet.
Look at my long, flowing, mullet.
by Jimbo May 22, 2003
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