1. To fuck something up beyond recognition.
2. Backwoods retard
1. Goddamnit! That stupid asshole mounced my whole day!
2. Don't be such a mounce, dude.
by Clit Eatswood January 1, 2006
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A combination of the words "Mount" and "Pounce" typically referring to a sexual activity.
I mounced Tesla last night.
by Gillag April 20, 2008
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At first Charlotte thought the field mice were wrestling; on examining the little darlings more closely she found to her dismay that they had begun to mounce.
by H. Babbit March 12, 2011
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Someone who engages in sexual activity with a minor. A pedophile.
Keep your kids away from that guy, he's a total mounce.
by JayDizzle69 August 29, 2020
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a total bro. He's very loveable and a total stud at playin puck. Usually found with Salvatore LaMotta.
Guy 1: Hey man, ever hear of eric mounce?
Guy 2: Yeah he's a bro!
by em95 May 18, 2011
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