The Morning Buzz is the first buzz of the day. It is in relation only to the Dokha tobacco which is smoked from a medwakh that is popular amongst UAE teens. The Morning Buzz can be smoked in the morning, afternoon and evening as long as it’s the first buzz of the day no matter the time.
Bro come alley I need my morning buzz before school.
Yo, can you fill me up just a head of Dokha for my morning buzz.
Man I haven’t buzzed all day I need my morning buzz now.
by wagwan_piffting December 5, 2018
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First nicotine buzz of the morning. Gives you a wicked head rush due to the nicotine content in your system being low after sleeping
"dude i just got the most intense morning buzz this morning i was wobbling like crazy"
by xboxsuckspsftw November 28, 2017
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