Due to the mental illness of the individual, they feel their own insane outlooks and observations as truths, and therefore, feel the need to give horrible medical and psychological advice without a degree.
Tell Jimmy the dog that tells him to shit in public areas doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm not bipolar. His mental illness hubris is acting up again.
by Dr. Katz December 14, 2010
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A person who discriminates against someone with a mental illness
person 1: imagine being depressed
person 2: You’re mentally ill-aphobic
by microwavek September 15, 2022
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Pretending or saying to have a mental illness or mental health problems just for SOME aspects of it that are considered "cool" or "emo", but being disgusted by non-glamourous aspects of that mental illness.

Saying you have depression because you're sad lately, but being disgusted by someone who can't get up to take a shower.
Saying you have anxiety because you're feeling stressed lately, but laughing at someone having a panick attack.

If you're mentally ill and don't brag about it you're likely to not be nearly mentally ill.
"Because of my black sweater and my earphones on, people will assume I have depression and I'll be cool !" : this is a nearly mentally ill behaviour
"I wash my hands before AND after going to the bathroom. I'm so OCD !"
by twistedbrain February 22, 2021
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A group of imbeciles that talk to each other and themselves about stuff they think is cool, but really isn't.
I can't believe I hung out with the mentally ill billy's and listened to them talk about the stripper that "really liked" them at the club.

Botis: dude she was looking at me
Miley: no man, she sat on MY lap
by Bittermama66 September 17, 2017
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used to express exasperation after explaining a topic to someone whom is just not getting it
No girl, a asshat is like someone who has their head up their ass.

How can they have their head up their ass when you said they have a hat on it?

Girl, you can get a check!!!
by vee stevens March 18, 2005
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