"Can I Have A McChicken Sandwhich Please?"
"You Wantin' Chips (Fries) With That"
"Yeah, And A McCoke"
by Maddiiiii October 29, 2007
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That perfect mix of cola that McDonald's franchises have flowing from their soda dispensers. Many consider it to be better than even bottled Coca-Cola.
"What do you want to drink, Joe?"
"Well we're at Mickey D's aren't we? I'll have a McCoke of course."
by jgb11 August 26, 2009
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jason: yoooo...this where y'all get the shit? what is it? a mccoke? ay! lemme get 1 cup!

leonard: bitch what the fuck are you talking about? that's at the next block. this is just a regular mcdonalds coke you dumb fuck

mike: smh why did we invite you here
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