For the masters of procrastination. Absolutely excessive procrastination that is just sad and unnecessary. A person will strive to procrastinate as long as they can, usually aware of the fact that there are other things to be done but also usually not giving a shite.
1. I've been masturprocrastinating all evening and spending hours watching Lady Gaga and Gwen Stefani videos... No- Of course I haven't written that paper yet!

2. Paul P Bungle is the masturprocrastinator- He is also a goo baby.

3. Let's masturprocrastinate, shall we?
by Mama Adrianna March 24, 2010
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The act of masturbating when you have run out of things to do while procrastinating.
I decided masturprocrastination would be more fun that reading Shakespeare.
by Awesome_MF March 21, 2011
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