Abbreviation for 'let me hump'. It's related to the meme 'lemme smash'.
Lemme shag
Bam, bam, bam
This is better than extasy
by Slen Atrbad March 25, 2017
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a game started at LBJ High School. Rules: If someone around you does something dumb you say "lemme get it" which is accompanied by a hand motion; an open palm, face up, bring the fingers towards you two or three times, then you slap that person on the head.
Tom: Omg a bird just pooped on my car.
Stefan: AHA lemme GET!
by lemmeget May 30, 2008
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Wanting to have a sexual affair with someone. properly known as "let me smash"
by Malorie August 24, 2017
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Ron: Becky lemme smash

Becky: no Ron

Ron: Wut... Swiggity Swooty?
Becky: ur tail is small
by Succc September 14, 2017
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a statement typically said when ordering at a drive thru. it is a common phrase, and some people take it to the extent of going up to drive thrus just to say that and not order anything to confuse employees
-hi welcome to wendy's whatcha want
-lemme get uhhhh
-wrong place vro
by courtnaenae June 20, 2017
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a term used when wanting to hit a joint, bowl, or anything smoke wise.
lemme hit dat jerky juul jaenet
by herkyjuuel15 February 7, 2021
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