A sweet witty girl
Most likely a Pisces with an eye for open world concepts , free as a bird , kept as a cage , but has and uproar of fierceness that can show if taken
Advantage of , overall a blast when comfortable around u , can sense bullshit a mile away and isn’t afraid to let it be known
LaParis is a quiet storm with such a big wrath I love her kick rock ass
by LaParis November 23, 2021
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Laparis is a very unique name .LaParis is a very pretty girl wit a real bad vibe. She has a good personality and heart but she don’t let nobody disrespect her name💓. She’s a goofy and fun person to be around if you get to know her🙂
Hey , you remind me of a LaParis
by Dickallinyabutt November 12, 2020
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