A young man (usually balding) who participates in various activities looked down upon in society.

Someone who is known for making awkward interactions with the oppossite sex.
Joe is such a kreeper! He sat at home all day and watched hentai!

Did you see the GSTL hitting on that 15 year old? What a kreeper!
by Koomy July 11, 2008
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A male who awkwardly stands in the corner or a crowded bar scanning the scene for an intoxicated female. Usually settling for a slump buster.
Look at Joe in the corner over there scopin' that fat chick. What a kreeper.

Did you hear that Kevin pulled a kreeper last night and banged that Mexican prostitute?
by .,., July 11, 2008
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A female, typically with a rare mental disorder who will stalk a man, (or future wanna be lover) until he/she falls in love with them.

Oddly enough, the kreeper will be beautiful in nature, but looked down upon because they are misunderstood.
Andrew was stalked by a kreeper with BPD.
by BooBear February 22, 2012
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the kreepy foreign dudes that work the kiosks in the malls that check your mother out when she walks by
ew mom that kiosk kreeper was totally just checking you out!
by mr.doodlebop777 January 30, 2010
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a term used to describe a creepy male who stalks women in the most blatant, inappropriate ways. can also be used to describe gay men who stalk other mens ass cracks. originated from a level in donkey kong country three
guy: "those fucking krevice kreepers scared away all the hot women!"
other guy: "son of a bitch!"

girl: "i went on a date with this guy, and he turned out to be a total krevice kreeper. fml"
by chadbrochill44 May 2, 2010
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When the light timer ends on the public bathroom and you have to continue to shit in the dark until someone else walks in and they are creeped out because they thought you were in the dark by choice.
Walked in to the restroom at Steak n Shake and was startled by a guy taking a Jeepers Kreepers in the handicap stall!
by dealsnik November 5, 2020
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