See (1)
But people always say, "allow me to re-iterate..." and then they say whatever it was a SECOND time...
by Anonymous November 2, 2002
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Stands for "International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor"
Is a fusion project by loads of countries where plasma is heated to 150 mil. degrees celsius and held in place by a magnetic field (the core of our sun is 15 mil.), to start a nuclear fusion of deuterium and tritium which will generate ALOT of energy. The reactor will also be "relatively" safe since, in case of a failure, the plasma will simply cool off.
You heard of that ITER thing they are makin' in France? It's a sun on earth!
by Error503_ March 10, 2020
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The Iter took out her dentures and bit me again; re-iterated, as it were.
by P. Archay December 6, 2017
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NWO sucks lots of cock because he's a faggot.
NWO sniffs little boys bicycle seats
by Anonymous April 10, 2003
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