A trend made by the fantasies of attractiveness called Looksmaxxing. When one looks ugly and looks like there is no way to fix it. People usually tell the person its over for them, saying to them that it is impossible for them to fix their looks.
by Replosite October 21, 2023
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When someone is hyped beyond control or is causing too many problems for themself.
Dude, if you don't stop over broing, I'm gonna slap you in the face.
by rocketboy572 August 25, 2020
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noun 1. An Alpha Bro that holds dominion of other lesser bros within his social sphere.
As the Over-Bro entered the night club, the other bros parted to let him walk to the bar.
by JMgreek February 18, 2022
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1. To describe the unwritten law of friends (hoes) before guys (bros)(most of the time, the ones that get between you)
2.a phrase to describe a relationship with your friends instead of the asshole or playa that got between you
Peyton-"so we wont let him get between us?"
Brooke-"no worries, hoes over bros"

"Man, i cant believe we fought over him...from now on its hoes over bros"
by Amina March 6, 2006
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An annoying way your friends guilt trip you into getting to hang with the boy instead of being with your girl
Person 1: hey you wanna go to the movies with me and the boys
Person 2: actually I can’t I have plans with my girl
Person 1: wow hoes over bros ok I get it
Person 2: fine I’ll cancel my plans
by console person July 6, 2020
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Cool over-used phrase bro is a reply to someone who says Cool story bro. Cool story bro is used by someone who spends too much time on the internet usually within the Chatroom and Forum community where its used by 11 different people in the space of 5 minutes
Loser one: Cool story bro
Person two:Cool over-used phrase bro
Person three: you fking fgt Loser One
by Alexander paycheck December 11, 2010
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