Someone who plays minecraft instead of fortnite
John:Fortnites iz betew

by minecraft sex penis November 28, 2019
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Intellectuals are those who:

- Enjoy art and literature nobody else cares about, and think they are superior to everyone else because of it
- Believe education should serve some undefined "higher purpose" than preparing people for the real world
- Claim that language is a beautiful art form rather than a means of communication
- Love to argue that capitalism is evil despite having no understanding of basic economics
- Dream of living anywhere but where they actually do live; usually a far less affluent society
- Believe that our own society is degrading or becoming a cultural wasteland, because people would rather watch TV than go see a play written in the 1600's
- Are the most fiery supporters of evolution, yet dislike people who pursue their evolutionary desires
- Convince themselves to hate parties and sports to cover up their lack of social/athletic ability
- Can't stand the idea of leaving their tiny bubble that is academia
- Believe that anyone who enjoys sports must be a mindless jock with the IQ of a gorilla
- Love to advertise how much they "think for themselves," yet somehow always agree with each other on everything

Not to be confused with the word "intelligent"
The philosophy ph.D takes great pride in being an intellectual.
by mesnj January 27, 2011
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a person who spends more time trying to look intelligent than actually being intelligent.
pseudo-intellectual: hey, check out this self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
you: you mean that SCUBA gear?
psuedo-intellectual: yeah, that.
by Rora47 July 27, 2012
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Distinguishing between a "nerd" crush and typical "crush". Characterized by love of their mind, independent of their body or physical attraction. Can refer to person of same gender or opposite sex. Term is platonic in nature. Admiration of their unattainable intellectual or academic skill/thought process/insight, to a level of raw mental magnetism. In context, meant as a true and genuine compliment and can be used between friends or colleagues.
He is so damn clever, funny, and quick; he is by far one of my top intellectual crushes.
by TheOneWhoWishes October 16, 2012
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The term 'intellectually juvenile' politely describes someone who is unintelligent, unwise or just not the 'sharpest knife in the drawer'.

The term 'intellectually juvenile' applies to a person, or group of people, who are not as developed in their thinking as they should be for their age, education, experience, geographical location, social environment, etc.

Background: Most of the people who are constantly calling other people 'stupid' are well known to be 'not-so-bright-themselves', and thus the word 'stupid' has lost its credibility and power as a descriptive term. The word 'stupid' is overused, low brow and passé.


Jim: Glenn! Did you just call me stupid !?!

Glenn: No, Jim. However, I most certainly implied that you are 'intellectually juvenile'. (said while smiling and in a nice tone)


Jim: OK! I thought you were calling me stupid, and, I was about to get very upset. Sorry.

Glenn: That's OK Jim. Most 'intellectually juvenile' people are blissfully unaware when a person calls them out on their errors, nonsense and lies, and they are generally oblivious when a sentient uses accurate, basic and descriptive words to describe 'intellectually juvenile' people to themselves.


Jim: You are a great friend, Glenn!

Glenn: I know. (smiling that smile he is well known for)
by GlennyJ November 20, 2013
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Someone who pretends to be more intelligent than they are.
A hipster is a prime example of a pseudo-intellectual.
by louche22 September 11, 2012
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