Influential semiconductor manufacturer, most notably for making x86 series of computer microprocessors for the well past its sell-by date, PC platform. Despite newer and potentially better architectures coming along, Intel continues to throw billions and billions at the same compromised to all hell, 1970s derived, archaic chunks of fan-encrusted kludge, with bolted on bells and whistles enough to keep it just ahead of the game, rather that get their heads together with all the other bigwigs, rip up the tattered old PeeCee blueprints, and put those billions into giving us a new, no compromises computer platform that we should have had 15 years ago.
"For all your central heating needs, call Intel!"
by Dark 1 January 11, 2004
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A CPU manufacturer that has fallen from quality in the past few years. / Information.
Definition 1:
"AMD is so much better than Intel!"
"Intel really hasnt made good CPUs in a while."

Definition 2:
"We have recently received intel regarding hamburgers."
by blorpburnday February 20, 2021
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A company that wastes sand to make overpriced central processing units (don’t let the term confuse you for them actually being able to do shit) that isn’t even the best you can get anymore, but hey, it’s the only thing not overpriced due to the shortage, but that’s just because nobody wants them.
Person 1 (idiot): I only use intel because it’s so fast and reliable.
Person 2 (Linus Sebastian): Are you mentally ill?
by Thislop June 11, 2021
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by Literally_Decaffeinated November 10, 2020
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Something that's better than AMD,
But more expensive
Friend 1: I just got a brand new processor, it's an i5 6500!
Friend 2: wow man, that's Intel, it so beats my AMD ps4 processor
by STARBURSTATTACK March 13, 2016
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shitty intel graphics that will have you at 30 fps 480 max
yo wanna play video games after schoool
nah bruh i got intel uhd that shit gone be laggy af
by ricardo stevenson August 22, 2022
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The act of a guy helping his friend get laid by asking a girl questions about him and then reporting her responses to him in secret.

The male version of "ho intel."
Alex gave Jack some serious bro intel when he told him that Katie was talking about him the other day.
by fuffies December 16, 2008
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