A miss pronunciation of inspired by the swag master Suga from the kpop group BTS
Rapmonster: what inspires you the most
Suga: Infires?.. Infires?
Jungkook: infires man yeah *weird broshake*
Rapmonster: it's INSPIRED
Jungkook: Inspired yeah man *weird broshake"
by YehetBetches May 1, 2016
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When you are very very inspired to do something so much that you don't even know how to say it.

Or you don't know good English
"Infires? Infires man!

It's inspired.
Inspires man!"
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A misprounounciation of inspires which had become a BTS inside joke.
Done by the genius Min Yoongi.
RM: What inspires you the most?
SG: Infires?...Infires?
RM: It's INSPIRED! (has given up on teaching BTS english)
by bamboozledagain May 7, 2018
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It is the word that Min Yoongi(suga from bts/my bias/my husband) and Jungkook uses rather than inspires
Ex.Infires? Infires man yeah!
by yoongixjiminxaurora March 16, 2019
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Infires is another word for Inspires created by well-known Min Yoongi , Suga , who is a very talented member of world-wide famous group named BTS. This word can be used in many ways including:

A greeting, but has to use “man” afterwords.

When feeling happy or in a state of happiness
When feeling confused or perplexed
Or a guess, hypothesis
A: Hey, What’s up?
B: Infires, man.

A: Ok, Agust. What is a synonym of inconspicuous ?
B: Infires?

A: Dude, I just nailed my test!
B: Infires, man!

A: I don’t know how to break up with him...
B: Infires
by 김윤아 November 25, 2018
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something that is so inspiring it can set things up in flames
yo did you see greta thunbergs speech?

yea! it was infires
by sharkboy.y September 28, 2019
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The sexiest person on earth,Who wouldnt want to be this person omg so hot daddy H O T.Who wouldnt want to be this hot??
Me(Abi): omg thanks i know.
by Infires loser August 22, 2017
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